
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019


Ada saatnya aku bosan untuk mencintai, aku ingin dicintai Kapan cinta akan berpihak padaku?


 Forgive yourself and say "I Love Me" is better than blame yourself

Only You

One, Three, Five, Seven, and Nine I through many years Feel alone and cold No one knows my sadness Two, For, Six, and Eight I try to play Looking for warmth and sweet But, no one gives me happiness Only you The person I miss the most

Begin Again

You leave me in pain without words An apology that I wanted to hear never came I was alone in a long and cold night Then, we acted like a stranger for many years But now you back with a smile and warm "Hello" You act different, but I know you stand in a mask You said "Begin again" For me, there is no "Begin again" Because I don't want to say "Hello" to my pain in the future @ABstyle_

I Don't Love You

What should I say From where to how I drop my head and you look at me That awkward silence I don't love you You probably already know Even if you cry My heart doesn't hurt I don't love you There's no reason I don't want to say the words I'm sorry or forgive me That's just all This is how I feel I don't love you I don't love you I don't love you -Urban Zakapa-


Pernahkah kau berada diantara begitu banyak pilihan Begitu sulit memutuskan diantara begitu banyak kemungkinan Itulah aku, yang kini mulai kehilangan arah Titik yang ingin aku capai mendadak terlihat buram Inikah godaan? Atau ini pertanda bahwa ada titik lain yang lebih baik untukku? Diam bukanlah jawaban Lalu, apakah aku harus berjalan menantang keraguan? Semua diam, hingga mereka berkata "Kau sudah matang, temukan jawabanmu sendiri" Aku tertunduk dan berkata "Ya, inilah aku yang tak bisa memutuskan" Mataku terus terpejam, saat semakin banyak harapan Maafkan aku Aku terjebak di persimpangan Berdiri dalam kegelapan diantara ribuan lampu yang begitu terang @ABstyle_


One thing that I always miss so bad. One thing that I can't reach. One thing that not real for me. One thing that I want to touch so bad. Him. @ABstyle_


I want to be perfect. Nothing can make me satisfied, when I can't reach what I want. I have big expectation of myself. I always thinking that I can do everything that other can't. My idealism push me to be a perfectionist, greedy, and arrogant, I admit it. @ABstyle_

What I Want

This question ringing in my mind for many times. Does everything done like what I want? Or, is this everything that I want? @ABstyle_

Five Feet Apart

Stella said "We need the touch from the one that we love almost as much as we need air for breath. So touch him. Life is to short to waste a second." P.S: And for you who far away frome me, I wish I could touch you, yeah at least once in my life. @ABstyle_

Dear Love

I pray for you every night and day I hope that someday soon I can see you once again @ABstyle_

Good Night

 "Good night" You might say it for many times to others, but have you ever say that to yourself?  Good night, ABstyle_ @ABstyle_

Beautiful Pain

We want to love but, nobody wants to deal with the pain that follows. @ABstyle_


When you fell in love for many times with the same person, it means true love @ABstyle_